What makes our lamb different?

We process this lamb in the late fall right before the rest of the flock starts on hay for the winter, so these lambs will only ever have grown on their mother’s milk and fresh forage. That’s it. And it makes a difference.

We partnered with Elmarie and Manie Nel of Clarion Locker for the most humane and high-quality butchering practices in Iowa, and they themselves butcher lamb for their own family as well. They were open to creative and no-waste processing so that we can truly offer our lamb “tongue-to-tail”. Dressed lambs are hung for 12 days so the meat can relax and tenderize, which unfortunately is not common practice with lamb in this country. Clarion Locker uses a high quality cryo-vac roll stock machine for retail cuts so that there’s less chance of punctured packaging, and therefore cuts will last as long as possible being handled and in the freezer until next season’s harvest. This is crucial for pastured lamb operations like ours.

We rely on a seasonal breeding, lambing, and harvesting calendar that best mimics natural breeding and lactating cycles, which in turn syncs with the natural fresh forage cycle of our pasture- the most important part of this whole system of which we are only a small, but necessary part. Thank you for helping move this cycle forward: regenerating soil, regenerating forage, deepening roots, trying to keep water clean, trying to keep soil where it needs to be, and making possible the most sustainable, nutrient-dense, chemical-free, grain-free meat available.

Our lamb is raised with no antibiotics, no chemical dewormers, no growth or breeding hormones, or grains.

Order lamb cuts here.